Adventures of a Quilt Pattern Tester : My experiences and advice


Have you ever wondered what quilt pattern testing is and how you can be a tester? In 2021, I was lucky to take part in 18 quilt pattern tests for designers around the world. I learned a range of new skills, met new quilters and expanded my quilting horizons. It was a fantastic experience and one that I recommend trying out.

In this video, I’m sharing my adventures of quilt pattern testing and tips and advice to get started and make the most of the experiences.

Here are some links to Instagram hashtags you can follow to find opportunities in 2022:

Photo of Tom
šŸ‘‹ Iā€™m Tom, lover of all things #quilting šŸ” Living near Edinburgh, Scotland. ā¬‡ļø Follow me for video, vlogs and more