Projects Tracker

I wanted to publish this page as a project tracker not only for myself, but for others to see what I’m up to. I’m using it as a place to keep track of what is in progress and what is waiting to start. Then there are those quilts thare are hiding in the back of a cupboard waiting to see the light of day again.

You can see all my completed projects over on my blog.

Description Completed
Completed Quilts in 2021 – these have been made into a sandwich, quilted and bound. 9
Work in Progress – these have all their piecing completed but need to be quilted and binding attached 11
Piecing in Progress – these are quilts that are in the middle of being pieced 2
Projects waiting to be started – Fabric is ordered and waiting to be cut 4
UFO – quilt that has been waiting more than 2 years to be finished 1


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